New announcement. Learn more

"Coming together as a neighbourhood was the best way in dealing with the issue..."

We are seeking Trust Members!

Why Join Us?

By becoming a member of the Trust, you'll have the opportunity to actively contribute to the well-being of your community. Whether it's providing governance over our operations, taking part in our events, or undertaking fundraising and sponsorship tasks, your involvement can make a significant impact.

How to Get Involved:

Ready to be a part of something bigger? Join “Friends of the Trust” to work alongside Trust members.  It’s easy! If you have:

· Experience in operations or           governance

·You are community minded

·Time available to undertake tasks

· Ideally have some community contacts in the Cambridge area

·Experience in fund raising &/or sponsorship

Simply contact us via our website ( phone 021 266 9653 or email Ian Hughes on

Together, let's build safer, stronger neighbourhoods. Join Friends of the Trust today and be a catalyst for positive change!

Introducing Cambridge Neighbourhood Support and Community Patrol

Hello Neighbours

Thank you for visiting the Safer Cambridge Trust website.  Our trust mission is:

”to support and promote a positive culture that results in strong connections, emergency preparedness and wellbeing for our community.”

The Safer Cambridge Trust operates both Cambridge Neighbourhood Support (register HERE) and the Cambridge Community Patrol. 

Neighbourhood Support (NS) works to create safe, resilient and supportive communities.  The prime objective of Neighbourhood Support is to bring people together, as we know that neighbourhoods that have strong, trusting relationships build friendly, helpful and safe communities…..places where we all want to live!

Our Community Patrol (CP) assists the Police in maintaining the safety of residential and business spaces and communities. 

Both NS and CP have strong relationships with the NZ Police.  NS also works closely with Civil Defense and the Fire and Emergency services.  We work closely with these three services to minimize crime and antisocial activities and to prepare neighbourhoods for unexpected weather, environmental and other hazardous events.

We try to reach all members of our community with rural safety meetings, subsidized first aid campaigns, children's programmes and more...see our blog and News and Events pages.

If you are interested in connecting with your neighbours or wish to volunteer for our community patrol, please make contact either by visiting us at Cambridge Community Pavilion on Victoria Square between 9am and 11am either Wednesday or Thursday, or call 021 266 9653 or email

In the meantime please “like” our Facebook page so that you can stay up to date with what people are doing to enrich their neighbourhoods:  Neighbourhood Support Cambridge on Facebook .  We also recommend that you “like” and follow the Waikato Police page: Waikato Police on Facebook ,so that you can learn about any crime related events close to you.

Please join us in working together to create well connected, safe and resilient neighbourhoods – in other words, great places to live!

Warm regards, Eileen Hawkins (NS), and Neil Bridgland (CP)

Donate to help support safe and caring communities

Thanks to our wonderful supporters


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