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Family Harm Support

A Message from Violence Free Waipa

Everyone has the right to a relationship that is equal, respectful, supportive, and safe.

Is your partner making you feel unsafe? Family Violence isn’t always physical. Does your partner make you feel afraid, hurt you, control or limit what you can do?

Reach out to us, we are someone you can trust. Whether you want to leave or stay, we can support you. We can listen as well as help you with the practical bits.

Our team are dedicated to assisting your whānau to have the safe happy lives you all deserve. Every situation is different, so we’ll work with you around YOUR needs and then support you to flourish. We offer help in getting protection orders, trespass orders, accessing financial support, finding housing, and joining support networks…. if that is what you want. Wanting to stay with your partner doesn’t mean you’re choosing to be abused, it’s your partner’s responsibility to change their behaviour.

We want every Tane to have the tools to find the strength to make healthy choices and live their life to their full potential. We can help there too; with counselling, self-reflection, men’s groups, support networks, employment, and strategies to change unhealthy abusive behaviours. Whatever you need to be a healthy, supportive and positive life influencer/father/partner. Someone your whānau and others look up to with love and respect.

Next steps: If you’d like support, fill in this form. We will arrange a meeting for you with our Team of Family Harm Professionals. They are here to help you.

For more information about staying Safe visit: Are You Ok

24/7 Helplines

  • Safe to Talk(external link) sexual harm helpline: 0800 044334, text: 4334
  • Need to talk? Free call or text: 1737 for mental health support from a trained counsellor
  • Elder Abuse Helpline: 0800 32 668 65 - 24 hours, text: 5032,

Child specific

  • 0800 WHATSUP or 0800 942 8787 for kids aged 5–18 years
  • Kidsline 0800 KIDSLINE or 0800 543 754 for kids aged up to 18 years
  • Youthline 0800 376 633. Freetext 234. Webchat 4:30pm – 10:00pm. For young people and their parents, family, whānau, and friends.

Victim Specific

  • Womens Refuge Crisis line 24/7 – 0800 REFUGE or 0800 733 843
  • Shine Crisis line available 24/7: 0508 744 633
  • Shakti Migrant and Refugee Womens Crisis line, 24/7, multilingual – 0800 SHAKTI or 0800 742 584

Male specific

  • Hey Bro helpline 24/7 - supporting men to be free from violence 0800 HeyBro (439 276)

Violence Free Waipa is a member of the National Violence Free Network (VFN). This is an extensive cross-sector network of government and non-government agencies that work together to effectively address systemic family violence within our community. The role of VFW is to educate, raise the profile of available services; promote services and events; liaise between NGOs and government agencies and improve access to services. The vision is an enhanced community through education and interagency response to family violence prevention. and the purpose of the VFW is to enhance the capacity of local agencies and the Waipa community to respond to and prevent family violence through a collaborative social and interagency approach.


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