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Cambridge Community House supports Neighbourhood Support

Our Cambridge Community House

CNS often refers people in need to one of our many supportive Cambridge agencies.  Cambridge Community House is one of these very valuable resources.  Based at 193 Shakespeare Street in Leamington, it is an important agency for the community to be aware of.   Here is a word from Gabby Byrne, General Manager of the Community House...

Cambridge Community House has offered safe, warm and welcoming support to our community for 37 years.  We do this through our Counselling, Financial Mentoring and Whānau Support Teams that are based here at the whare. 

Our qualified counsellors can assist you with working through issues such as depression, stress and anxiety, grief and loss, self-harm and anger management.  We also offer support, assessment and treatment for those affected by alcohol and/or drugs.

Our qualified staff also provide free support and information for families affected by family violence.

The whānau support team can offer calm support and guidance and provide advocacy when that is needed.

And our financial mentors provide confidential one-to-one budgeting advice to families and offer a group-based Money Mates programme.

If you are isolating with Covid you can request help through  and our Community Connector with ensure immediate isolation needs are covered.

On our website,   you can read about the people who work at the Community House and about all our services in more detail.

People are welcome to self-refer for support and this can be done in person, by phone or through our self-referral forms on the website.  Otherwise, we welcome referrals from a range of other health and social service organizations and professionals, such as doctors.

Whilst most of our services are free of charge, we do sometimes have a subsidized fee for counselling sessions – this can be easily confirmed by calling us on 07 827 5402.

We are proud to have a fabulous team of volunteers supporting our staff team of 17.  Through the support of the volunteer drivers, we are able to offer the Volunteer Driver Service.  This service is available for Cambridge and Hamilton medical appointments and works by koha/donation.

The Community House also accepts and rehomes second-hand uniforms from a range of schools.  We welcome a koha for uniforms.

The community are well supported for kai by the Pātaka Kai (Sharing Shed) right outside our house.  It works on a ‘share what you can, take what you need basis', and is a real hub for food distribution.

In addition to our own teams, we are also fortunate to host some other useful organizations who also provide support and service to Cambridge.

Feel free to contact us on 07 827 5402 or email us at for more information on any of our services or to make an appointment.


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